
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Food Labels Lie

We live in a society where everything is all about labels- you have to have the newest Nikes, you need to rock the Louis Vuitton purse, the Apple computer. All these labels matter, they mean high quality, high status, and the same thing applies to your food.

Believe it or not, food companies lie on their packaging and the government doesn’t really care that they do. There are bunches of knock off foods running around and the FDA and the USDA really don’t regulate shit.  Hostess Bakery could plaster “Whole Wheat” all over their Twinkie packages and swear up and down that their Ho-Ho’s are “Organic”; doesn’t mean that they are and it doesn’t mean they’ll get in trouble for it either.

Just because you pick up a package that says “All Natural” doesn’t mean it is.  If you really want to know what you’re eating you either need to grow it your damn self or you need to read the ingredients list. It’s the only way to know if what you’re eating is safe and isn’t full of growth hormones and pig feces.

Bread is the best example of this.  Breads (and pastas) with labels and packaging  that says 100 percent whole wheat can in fact only be made with whole wheat flour; products that are 100 percent whole wheat are usually organic and can be found at health food stores. Anything that isn’t 100 percent whole wheat is made with white flour, stripped of nutritional value and full of sugars and carbs that give you cellulite.

So other not so healthy breads try to get away with looking healthy by putting things like “multi-grain” and “made with whole wheat” on the labels to seem like they’re just as healthy as their competitor – fucking posers.  Breakfast cereals like Trix say that they use more whole grain than any other ingredient- they do, they use whole grain corn which has basically no nutritional value at all.  

Wonder Bread and Wheat Thins do the same thing; claiming to be made with healthy grains when in reality they just food coloring to make their white flour look more like whole wheat- SMH.

The same goes for eggs- labels that say things like ‘cage-free’ and ‘free-range’ try to make it seem like the  eggs you’re eating come from cute little chickens that pranced around on a sunny farm their whole life. The only qualification for eggs to meet that labeling guideline is that the hens were not raised in a battery cage. The hen could still be full of steroids and grew up in a warehouse, was beaten on a regular basis and literally never saw the light of day - so freakin’ messed up.  The best way to check your egg quality is to buy them from a local organic farmer or to look for the “Animal Welfare Approved” label.

Like stated earlier the only way to really know what you’re eating is to grow it your damn self, but the second best way is to read the ingredients list. A good rule of thumb is- if you can’t pronounce it don’t eat it. Another good rule of thumb is to use your common sense-duh.

If you’re eating something that’s bright neon green, covered in sprinkles or can be fully cooked in the microwave in under 10 seconds and says “All Natural” on the package it’s pretty obvious that it’s not. Don’t be an idiot.

Another rule of thumb; the less ingredients the better. One time I was craving mashed potatoes but I didn’t have time to cut and peel them so I opted for the instant kind. I had a package of instant potatoes from Idahoan, I took one look at the ingredients list and stopped counting after 25. I then went to Whole Foods, bought a box of potato flakes and the only ingredient was dehydrated potatoes. That’s 1 ingredient compared to over 25, and the Whole Foods brand is cheaper!

Eating right isn’t this black and white thing, it’s a big gray mess, but the quality of your food matters just as much at the calories you eat, what you’re eating, when you’re eating and how much you’re eating.

I always encourage people to shop at places like Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s because they’re companies dedicated to providing you with quality, ethical foods and they don’t sell anything that isn’t made with top notch ingredients. Even though I read the labels to everything I buy it’s nice to go to store and not have to worry about picking up something that might be infected with E coli or get recalled for having traces of lead and arsenic in it - and for the last damn time, eating healthy is not more expensive.

That's all I got for now.



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How To Be Confident

I have a medium sized list of tangible achievements. Landing big roles in high school plays, beating my own personal records in cross country races, I've earned scholarships, graduated from college, became a certified personal trainer, moving to NYC.  Blah, blah blah the list goes on.

But it's not these "accomplishments" that made me confident. I was confident therefore I achieved.

And I started to think about all the times I got what I wanted, I think about how I was so self assured. I'm not just talking about the big stuff like getting a job or an apartment. I think about the little things like how I was able to get a cab driver to take me somewhere for 10 dollars cheaper than he should've charged me, or how I was able to get in a club where I didn't know anyone at the door before all the people waiting in line, or how I can get pretty much any guy I want to wine and dine me and chase me for months on end without giving him so much as hug goodnight.

(My number 1 confidence jam)

And then I think about all of the times I failed and how it was pretty much a self fulfilling prophecy. All the times I've been rejected from jobs, or on my YouTube channel, or failed a test. Every single time I've been rejected or let down it's because I didn't think I was good enough, and that's definitely not the case the majority of the time, but it was in those moments of self doubt when I failed. You see where I'm going with this?

True confidence cannot be faked, that's called cockiness. True confidence comes from believing in yourself so much that other people will believe in you too. So how does one become confident? Why should you believe in yourself?

The real question is, why shouldn't you?

The most important step to be confident is to think positively. Stop saying I can't, instead say I will. Try it before you give up on it. So many times we tell ourselves we can't do something or that we shouldn't do something because we're afraid to fail, when in reality the only way you fail is by not trying. Write down a list of all the things you like about yourself and keep it somewhere where you can see it everyday. Just for a day let go for the fear and self doubt you've been clinging onto for so long and realize you're not so bad after all.

Decide that you are worthy of a great and wonderfully fulfilled life - not that you necessarily deserve it, but that you are worthy. Quite frankly you don't deserve anything you didn't earn. Just know that you as a person are worth great things and you can have whatever you work for. You were put on this planet for a reason, you have a purpose to serve.

But don't just talk about it, BE ABOUT IT. When you are engaged, and passionate and doing what you love something inside of you shifts. You feel alive, you feel assured, you feel as if you can do anything and no one can stop you. That's your confidence building up.

It's only when you start taking action and working on becoming a better person (or at least good at a certain task or trade) that you will be in a position to provide value to the world. When you bring value to the world is when you can start demanding certain privileges and treatment. Value doesn't always mean something you can make money from. Being a good listener, an upbeat person, a reliable friend; all these things add value to your life and the value you will be able to bring to others. You get what you give.

Looking good most certainly helps with confidence, and of course as a personal trainer I'm going to tell you to get in shape, walk tall and take care of yourself. Self grooming and having your own personal style matter, your outside is a direct reflection of what's inside, one does not outweigh the other. Think about the most confident people you know, they are probably some of the best looking people you know too. Healthy body = healthy mind = looking good = feeling good= doing good = confidence.

Make promises to yourself and keep them. If you make a promise to someone else keep it. Set standards, set the bar high and dedicate yourself to being the best version of you.

Being confident is not just state of mind, it's not just for celebrities and people who are in the limelight, being confident is a way of life. Waking up each day and being ready to go, ready to overcome obstacles and knowing that you are that bitch ( at least that's what I tell myself). Know your worth and know that you are awesome, be proud of how far you've come and excited to see how far you can go, don't be afraid to brag on yourself,stay humble and open to growth. Live and breathe that ish!

(Dancing like everyone is watching, that's real confidence lol )

And there you have it, my ideas on how to be confident in a nutshell. Hope you enjoyed =)

That's all I got for now.



Tuesday, September 25, 2012

20 Fun Ways to Get Some Cardio In This Fall

Ahh, it's officially fall and it's never felt so good! The crisp breeze, the colorful leaves on all the trees, and it's the perfect time to get some cardio in without worrying about heat exhaustion and hideous sports bra tan-lines. Let's get that heart rate up!!

That's all I got for now.



Friday, August 17, 2012

Get Over Yourself and Start Living Already

A lot of people are afraid to tap into their potential and be the best version of themselves, and if everybody did the world would be full of great people doing big things. We’d all be happy, healthy, financially stable and no one would be suffering, but that’s clearly not the case. And if I would of read something like this 3 or 4 years ago I would probably get squeamish - actually I wouldn’t have read something like this 3 or 4 years ago because I was too busy partying and pretending to do homework. Nothing wrong with that, but my point is that sooner or later it’s time to grow up.

Don’t get it twisted though, growing up doesn’t mean you have to put on a suit everyday and stop laughing at silly jokes and act like life is just one big serious ordeal. Growing up means realizing that you were given certain gifts and strengths to utilize to make the world a better place. See, everyone is good at something, everyone has something they like to do, and everyone has a dream. Most people aren’t living their dreams though, and it’s actually quite upsetting and perplexing to me. 

I’ve gathered that most people are just kinda scraping by at some job that they really don’t like at all. Wearing what everyone else is wearing, doing what everyone else is doing, always worrying what other people are thinking about them and trying to so hard to ignore that nagging voice inside their head that keeps trying to tell them to stop caring so much and just live. It's a pretty common theme; the result of fear and lame excuses. I’ve spent countless hours reading blog posts about people who couldn’t take it anymore and decided to actually live their dreams instead of wasting away behind a cubicle (no offense if you actually like your cubicle), and I decided that I wanted to contribute, although I’m not exactly where I’d like to be yet.

You see, I’ve haven't quite felt the feelings that I’ve just described to you because I don't try to surpress my inner desires, but I can empathize because I know what it’s like to feel fear. I sometimes fear that I won’t end up living the life that I’ve envisioned for myself, or that I’ll never meet the right guy, or that I’m making a fool of myself on the internet (well, I kind of enjoying making a fool of myself on the internet but that’s besides the point). I’m more afraid of not reaching my goals than caring about what others will think if I go after them. I’ve been “different” my whole life, and I spent a lot of it wanting so bad to fit in, but one day in middle school I realized that being a bi-racial girl with an afro, a big butt and a twin brother in the suburbs of a college town in the middle of West Virginia wasn’t gonna cut it as “normal."

So I decided to embrace it and I’m definitely glad I did because it’s taken me far. Even when I’m tired, or feeling uncertain I take steps forward, because despite the occasional bouts of insecurity I know that one day I’m going to get to where I want to be (which includes a fine-ass, rich and loving manfriend/husband). It’s all about adopting that do or die attitude, and as extreme as it sounds, it’s what needs to be done if you want results. I’m not trying to get all new age on you, but if you really want something for all the right reasons, and are working towards it the Universe will conspire and meet you halfway to make sure your goals are met. I moved to NYC with absolutely no money, no friends and no job, and I’m here I am one year later with great friends, multiple streams of income and a beautiful one bedroom apartment - that’s not luck, that’s Devine intervention whether you want to believe it or not. 

Now I’m not this outrageously successful public figure turned rap star/ athlete who overcame a life of extreme poverty and disease, and there are many entertainers that I admire myself but sometimes what you need more than dose of fantasy is a dose of reality. I’m just like you, I’m your peer, I went to college and found that my degree doesn’t mean much, I’ve worked sucky office and restaurant jobs, and I’m not going to tell you that following your dreams is easy but I know for fact that it is worth it. I also know for a fact that if you want something you got to go get it, and give it your all while you do because you only get one shot at life and your life could end tomorrow. Hell it could end as you’re reading this sentence.  

So many people post Facebook statuses and Twitter updates about only living once and following your dreams but how many people are really doing just that? It’s easy to get inspired for a few minutes after listening to your favorite artist, or watching your favorite movie, but it’s time that you stay inspired, and that you get focused, and take positive action instead of day dreaming your life away.

Whether you want to be the world’s best chef, or school teacher, or hair dresser, or start a day care, or be a pop star, now is the time. Now is all you got. Set a clear plan of action for yourself, set goals and get shit done. Strive for excellence in everything you do and excellent is what you’ll be. Everyone has a different idea of what their perfect life is, and I’m certainly not going to tell you what that is, that’s up for you to decide. I just want to encourage and motivate you, and to let you know that you’re not a lone out there. 

And although it’s imperative that you set goals, and keep setting goals once you’ve met the previous ones, the most important thing of all is that you learn to love the process. Life is a journey, not a destination. There is so much beauty in everyday life, but you’ll miss it if you spend your time doing something you hate and not being present to take it all in. So to answer your question there is more to life, it just a matter of whether or not you’ll go out and see for yourself.

Okay, my brain hurts, and I can only be sentimental and meaningful for so long before I want to start talking about makeup and boys. So I’m out. I hope you gained something from this post. Don’t act like you didn’t. We gotta work on making the inside look just as good as the outside! 

Sexy is a LIFESTYLE.

That's all I got for now. Later Bitches.



Wednesday, August 8, 2012

10 Little Ways To Look Better

When it comes to your looks, a little attention to detail goes a long way. These are just a few tips on how to go from good to great. 

10.Keep Your Eyebrows Plucked- eyebrows absolutely make or break your face, you should really keep them shaped at all times. Nobody should look like they have 2 caterpillars on their forehead. Either buy a pair of tweezers or get them waxed or threaded by someone else. Not too thin tho, keep it classy.

9. Nix the Panty lines. This isn’t 1979, and panty lines are absolutely atrocious, if it’s that time of the month it’s a little more understandable but you can always wear a loose skirt or dress to cover those granny panty lines up. Otherwise it’s seamless boy shorts and thongs FTW.

8.Having Good Posture- For goodness sakes stand up straight! Sit up and walk tall and proud muthafucka! Slouchy is anti sexy in both men and women and is often the result of weak back muscles, try doing more back exercises in your work outs, and if you aren’t working out you betta start!

7.Whiten Your Teeth-  If you look in the mirror and see even a twinge of yellow you’re well overdue for a teeth whitening session. There’s no excuse to have yellow teeth. You can whiten your teeth with a 2 dollar box of baking soda or use an all natural product for $10 by Britenz.  You can’t even slightly justify having yellow teeth, you really can’t.

6. Keep Your Nails Did - Now I personally think that a woman should always have some form of polish on her nails, even if it’s a clear top coat. Maintaining your nails doesn’t take much time and boy oh boy does it make a difference. People see your hands all day, and even more importantly YOU see your hands all day, they should be worth looking at. TOES included.

5. Flattering Hair Cut- it goes without saying that you should always leave your house with your hair done, but if you have an unflattering hair cut it won’t matter if it’s done or not. The hair cut you want and the hair cut you need might be 2 different things, you should research which kinds of cuts go with your face shape, it really makes a world of difference.

4. A Touch of Make Up- I think all females should wear a little make up when stepping out of the house, especially if you’re single because you never know who you might meet and you definitely don’t want to look like shit if you meet someone great. A little tinted moisturizer, mascara, and lip gloss can go a long way. If you’re not really into wearing makeup I suggest you that head over to Sephora and play around and see if you feel the same way after you leave. You won’t.

3. Blingage- an outfit is only as good as the accessories you wear with it. You can turn a basic t-shirt and jeans combo from fugly and boring to super cute and fun with the right ring or necklace. And the best part about jewelry is that you can find ultra cheap stuff that actually looks good. Don’t get too avant-garde with it though, jewelry is meant to accentuate you not embarrass you.

2.Clothes that fit - If you’re swimming in your in your blouse or have a muffin top pouring out of your slacks your shit doesn’t fit right and you know it. It’s not hard to tell when clothes don’t fit because you can feel that they don’t fit. Clothes should lay nicely on your body, they should be fitted, comfortable and functional - but when in doubt choose looking good over comfort- this is the age of Facebook and nobody wants to look like shit on the internet.

1. Having a nice body- this isn’t a little thing, but I’m a personal trainer and exercise instructor so what do you expect. Truth be told, no matter how much make up you wear or how good your hair looks, the appearance of your body trumps everything. Looking like you’re out of shape has never been in. So if you aren’t on your working out/ eating right game now is the time to start.

Sexy is a LIFESTYLE.

That's all I got for now. Later Bitches.



Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Why You Shouldn't Count Calories

As far as I'm concerned counting calories just isn't necessary, and it's painstakingly difficult to do the right way. The FDA (a government agency that doesn't really give a fuck about your food or your health) tells us that we need about 2,000 calories a day - which is a huge problem to begin with because everyone's body is different.

 On the very most surface level it can be a great tool for people trying to lose or gain weight, but there's a lot more that goes into calorie counting than just the number.  Age, gender, weight, metabolism, lifestyle, genetics etc all play a factor in your specific formula for caloric homeostasis. But at the end of the day if you're eating a healthy,balanced,plant based diet with limited meat, dairy and sugar consumption you will you will fall into your natural healthy body weight and never have to worry about counting again. No need for "dieting" either. 

After doing some research I've gathered that the average-person-needs- 2,000 calories- a day- rule is most likely based off a sedentary white man who's about 5'8, 150 lbs and in his mid 40's since that is pretty much who is in the government and is the standard person the government models their health guidelines around. That definitely does not describe me, and probably not you or any other of my readers.  You can't tell me that every person in America from age 1-99 needs 2,000 calories, that's just impossible, and quite frankly I don't believe that there's such a thing as the "average person" there's too many different types of people in the world for all that. 


I eat mostly organic everything, yes it does make a difference, and I read the food labels throughly to everything I'm eating. Some days I might eat 1300 calories worth of vegetables and quinoa but the next day I might 2,300 of the same thing. Either way it doesn't matter because I know when to eat and when not to eat.  If you are disciplined enough to eat the right things and if you eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full,  workout 3-5 days a week, and drink enough water (6-8 glasses a day) you're not gonna get fat. When you eat small meals  and snacks like almonds and carrot sticks throughout the day, you keep your body metabolism boosted. When you eat things like white bread and Hersey kisses you're causing an imbalance of sugar highs and lows which will also make an impact on your metabolism thus hindering truly accurate calorie count.

The thought of giving food a numeric value in your body just doesn't make sense to me, and to stress about it everyday makes even less sense to me. 

 Calorie counting is way too complex of a system to track the food you're eating. The general gist of it is if you're trying to gain weight you need more calories, if you're trying to lose you need less, and if you're trying to maintain then that's just one big fuckery because the second you make a change in your lifestyle, or gain weight, or start working out more or less, or get older it all changes. So it's basically impossible to accurately count calories.

 Not to mention that not all calories are created equal - the source of your calories - whether they come from fat, fiber, carbohydrates, protein, meat, vegetables, soy - matters. The quality of your food also matters when it comes to counting calories; your body is going to process calories from organic celery way differently from calories from a Snickers Bar. The percentage of the ingredients you're getting your calories from also matters too when you're trying to get an accurate reading.

it's just too fucking much to deal with on a day to day basis. Why put yourself through it?

I used to be an avid calorie counter, so much that I can still ball park how many calories I've eaten on any given day without looking at a food label. I used to be on calorie counter websites all the time trying to figure out how many calories I've burned from my workouts out, etc. I was obsessed. Like, WTF. 

When I was first trying to lose weight that system was great, but it also made me feel weirdly guilty and contained. I did see results, but it was at the expense of my mental ease, it made eating a much bigger issues than it needs to be. I'm currently in the best shape I've ever been in my life and I don't count shit. I listen to my body and eat the right things.

 If you're eating REAL, natural, organic foods there's no need to count calories.  Eating bananas, and almonds, and brown rice, and black beans is not going to make you fat or give you diabetes.  And when it comes to getting your vegetables you really can't eat too much. 

 There's no special diets that you should be on, or Weight Watchers groups you should join.  Because when you set yourself up for a crazy dieting lifestyle like South Beach or Atkins you're pretty much destined to crash and burn. No matter what it is you're trying to achieve with your body you can't go wrong with eating the food that mother nature provides us. But you can go wrong with all the crazy, chemically/genetically modified, non-expiring garbage that is the majority of your typical grocery store. 

At the end of the day you get in what you put out. If you want to eat cheesecake for every meal then you'll have a cheesecake body. If you want to count calories like a maniac then you're going to be a maniac. If you eat natural organic foods, drink enough water, and get your sleep, and workout enough then you'll look fucking sexy.  The saying is true, YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT (can I get an amen?!)

So let me know what you think! Do you count calories? What works for you? Remember this is just my opinion ( but I am right about everything so keep that in mind)


That's all I got for now,

Later Bitches


Instagram:   AminaZena

Thursday, June 21, 2012

How To Get Fit

I've been super fit for a while now, and sometimes I forget what it feels like to be completely new to the world of fitness/wellness/nutrition/sexiness. It can definitely be confusing, and if you aren't super self motivated it's especially difficult. But now you have me, and this blog to keep you on point so I don't wanna hear any complaints, beeyotch.

So here's my first option for success: pick a day next week and decide that you're going stop eating anything processed, sugary, extra fattening or just plain bad for you. Drink only water. And start running and lifting weights for an hour 5 days a week after school for the rest of your life. That's what I did 9 years ago and it clearly worked out (no pun intended lol). So for those you extreme natured type of people this is the end my post.

But I have a feeling that most people don't operate like me, so here's my second option: Take baby steps.

Here they are

1. Stop fucking playing yourself and accept the fact that you need to make a positive change in your life. Whether you're morbidly obese and on the verge of a heart attack or if you're a size 0 model type who lives off of snickers bars and gets winded from walking up a flight of stairs you need to be in shape. We, as people, all need to be in shape. So if you're not in shape recognize that this is something you must absolutely do for yourself and humanity. Yes, it is that serious.

2. Set goals for what you want to do with your body. Do you want to lose 10 pounds? Do you want a 6 pack? Do you want to be a size 8? Do you want to be able to do a cartwheel? When I initially started my new lifestyle it was because I wanted to be able to run 2 miles non stop - and obviously to look good and acquire the hot body that I have today- so with goals in mind I was able to move to step 3.

3. Give yourself a timeframe. Obviously be a realistic and timely about it. If you need to lose 100 pounds you're not going to do it in 2 months, but you could do it in a year. During my sophomore in high school when I started out I said I wanted to look good by junior year and drop 3 pants sizes, so that's what I did. Then when I reached my goal of sexiness during my junior year I set a new goal to join the cross country team senior year. And I did just that.

4. Ween yourself off of junk food. I went cold turkey, but I know a lot of people can't so the best thing to do is to start slow. If you eat dessert everyday, start by eating dessert 1 or 2 times a week until you get used to it. Then after you get used to eating less dessert eat even less dessert until you're only eating it occasionally, like 2-3 times a month or less. Do the same with meats, dairy and starchy carbs. Eat mostly fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts - you know, healthy shit.

5. Workout. If you're completely new start by walking for 30-45 minutes everyday for 5 days. You don't have to be a fitness expert, you don't have to be a star athlete but you have to start somewhere.  You do have to push yourself though. If you want to see results you have to go hard, it's not a leisurely thing, that's why it's called a WORKout. Your workouts will need to be modify and changed over time, but right now just start! Join a gym, hire a trainer, get a group of friends together, but don't rely on these people to get you results. Having other people join you or train you is definitely motivational but only YOU can get YOU where you want to be.

5. Committ: Just do it, by any means necessary. The same dedication you give to work, or school, or band, or spending time with your significant others and friends you need to give to yourself and your wellness. Stick to your plan, workout 3-5 days a week, be on a strict veggie based diet, get 6-8 hours of sleep every night and work hard until you reach your goal. GO HARD. Don't be too down on yourself if you occasionally slip up, but have the courage to fight until you reach your goals. Don't listen to anyone who doubts you or tries to bring you down, take any negative energy and turn it into motivation to keep going. And most importantly enjoy your new lifestyle!

*Being fit and positive and attractive and healthy and happy will improve your life in so many ways that I couldn't even sum it up in 1 post. Just know that you have the capacity and the ability and the strength to get it done, and if I didn't believe in YOU and your potential I wouldn't have made this post. When you take care of yourself you are doing the world a huge service. You are sending out good vibes and unconsciously allowing others to do the same. You are maximizing the joy in your life and you'll have people checkin out your ass left and right. Who wouldn't want that?

Sexy is a LIFESTYLE.

So that's all I got for now. Later Bitches.



Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Would You Stay With Your Boyfriend If He Got Fat?

True love is unconditional. Physical attraction on the other hand sure as hell isn't. 

I have a personal training client, let's call her Bethany, and I've been working with her for a few months now. She looked good before, but she's lost a lot of weight, dropped a pant size and is looking super toned (yes, it's my blog and I can participate in shameless self promotion all I want).  She tells me how guys at the gym are starting to notice her more now, and I tell her she should scoop one up. But the problem is she has a boyfriend, and he wouldn't be a problem if he took care of himself the way Bethany takes care of herself. 

When they met, he was an athlete, a football player with a super nice physique, which is a huge reason they are together. They had chemistry,the physical attraction was mutual, and their personalities clicked. But they've been together for 5 years and dude has completely let himself go;  his once brolik buff body now resembles the Pillsbury dough boy. Fucking bummer

Bethany even told him that the reason they haven't had sex in months is because she's not attracted to him anymore. She's tried being frank about it, tried being nice about it, she's tried just about everything to motivate him but he doesn't make efforts to change. She feels terrible about it, but I can't blame her for not wanting to have sex with a hippo. Her coworkers tried to tell her that she never loved him, but that's some bullshit if you ask me.

I would never date a guy who was out of shape - ever, EVER! First off, I'm a 10 so I expect my man to be a 10 too. Second  It's a character flaw; if you don't take care of yourself and value your health what the fuck do you care about? No amount of money, power, fame or material possessions can replace having a nice bangable body and good health if you ask me. They say love is about what's inside, but the outside is a reflection of what's inside. You can tell when someone is happy by the way they carry themselves, the way their eyes light up (or not) when they talk, the glow on their skin, and obviously their physique. You cannot convince me that a sane person would actually prefer to be morbidly obese or even just mildly out of shape and finds that to be a happy fulfilling lifestyle. 

I would rather be single for the rest of my life than be with a man who had to lift up his stomach in order to have sex with me. That's real talk. (not to mention big guys have smaller penises)

Now obviously not everyone agrees with my stance on this but I think she should break up with him, love isn't all about sex and physical appearance but it means a lot. She's tried to help him,she's tried to coach him, she's tried just about everything but there's only so much you can do when someone doesn't want to help themselves. I've even met other people in this exact same situation, and their significant other didn't make changes until they were dumped. When you're in a committed monogamous relationship sex matters a lot, and it some cases it is the glue that holds things together, and that's not a bad thing. You should be excited to see your partner naked, and not want to gag.  Humans are sexual creatures, it is a need and needs will eventually be met because they need to be - that's pretty much the reason behind why people cheat. 

And maybe you think I'm a bitch for saying all of this, but how would you feel if you were with a guy who looked like a model but had the personality of a paper bag? You would say break up with him and find someone who had a better personality. It's the same thing as dumping someone for not taking care of themselves and gaining 100 pounds in the course of 5 years. Looks matter people. They really do.

Bethany fell in love with an athlete who took his body seriously, not a 400 pound slob who doesn't give a damn about himself anymore. He's not the same person she fell in love with so why should she stay when he doesn't put in the work to make her happy?  We all deserve to be with a partner who is a reflection of ourselves, and if you're in the gym grinding you deserve a partner who's right there with you. If you're a slob you don't deserve to be with someone who has their shit together.  Bethany deserves to be with someone who has the same passion for health as she does, she deserves to be with someone who makes her melt, who has a rippling six pack and a great personality. It would be one thing if the guy broke his leg and couldn't walk or workout, but homeboy is lazy and that's a no-no.

So the question for you is would you stay with your boyfriend or girlfriend if they got fat and didn't try to change?   Do you care about your significant other's appearance as much as I do? Let me know what you think, I'm excited to see your feedback! 

Later Bitches


Instagram:   AminaZena

Friday, May 25, 2012

Diet vs Exercise: Which is More Important?

Before I get to the main point of this article, I’m going to make you read some other shit first.
I am not a scientist, and to be quite honest with you scientific evidence isn’t completely convincing to me. I live and learn through my own experiences, and it’s quite possible that today’s topic could be "scientifically proven" but that doesn’t mean it’s true or right by default. And even though I have multiple personal training certifications, have taken and passed several exams both written and practical, have read books, and have 3 years of experience working in the fitness world, the only shit that is 100% factual to me is the shit I’ve been through my damn self.  Yep, I am a stubborn bitch, and so far it's been working for me and my clients.

That being said, there’s a pretty common argument that states weight loss and being healthy in general is 80% about eating healthy and 20% about the workout.  And I used to believe that hardbody, but now I’m at a point where I truly believe it’s 50/50. Here’s how I figure.

Let’s say person A is 20 pounds overweight, doesn’t exercise and eats a poor diet consisting of  mostly simple carbs, sugar and animal fats (which is pretty much what most fat people eat). If they start to eat salads for every meal, sure, they will lose weight, but it won’t make them better at doing squats, it won’t make them a better runner. It won’t help them burn excess calories. It won’t help them use their body better. It does help a lot in so many other ways, but eating right alone is not enough to lose a lot weight or maintain weight loss.

There is the argument that eating right is the foundation for exercise, and I can dig that, but once you build that foundation how can you still say that diet is still 80%?

So what if someone workouts like a beast, but eats like shit? Another common argument is that if you workout you can eat whatever you want and not get fat. To an extent this is true,in general if you workout and eat clean the majority of the time you can get away with eating bad foods from time to time but you can't get away with it everyday. Just because you work out doesn’t mean you will burn enough calories to lose weight, especially if you’re eating junk. You could be in fairly good physical condition and be capable of performing strenuous exercise and still be overweight.

This topic is clearly not black and white, and there are tons of variables that go into play when comparing diet vs exercise but at the end of the day you need both; to lose weight, to maintain, to look good, and be healthy.  If you half ass your diet but go hard in the gym, guess what, you’re gonna get half assed results and vice versa.  It’s 50/50. You need to go hard in your workouts and have enough self control and discipline to eat like a rabbit.

I can’t cosign the 80/20 rule anymore. Having to bust your ass to get what you want is relative to the wonderful results you will achieve if you strive for excellence in your diet and your workouts and in life in general.  

Well that’s all I got for now, let me know what you think!

Later Bitches,


Instagram:   AminaZena

Friday, May 18, 2012

Oh So Fuckable

We've all overheard the 2 guys talking about girls as they walk by. Saying things like "damn she's fine" or "yeah I'd hit that"

We've also heard them say things like "Hell nah" and "She's a grenade"

And even though it's disrespectful and annoying I'd rather be the girl that gets stares, whistles and occasionally chased down the street.

Let's face it, men  people are visual creatures and looks do matter. How you appear on the outside is directly correlated to what's going on on the inside. So if you want to be fuckable, and we all want to be fuckable,  and don't know where to start I put together a step by step guide for your ass.

1. First step to fuckable is getting your mind right - basically getting your mental being squared away so you can take care of all of the practical things you need to do in life in order to be happy. If you're happy, chances are you will be healthy and if you're healhty chances are someone wants to lay you.

In order to get your mind right you need to stop stressing about things you can't control, stop blaming others, stop being down on yourself, stop complaining, stop playing the victim, stop living in the past and chasing the future. Stop wanting what you don't have and stop wishing you were someone else. Don't worry and just enjoy the moment so that way you can focus on achieving your dreams.

Unfortunately the average person never escapes the issues of their mind, and it's obvious. These people usually look frumpy and disgruntled. I truly believe that if you look like shit on the outside it's because you feel like shit on the inside.

Do what you need to do to get right in the head, read books, go to church, do yoga, talk to Buddha, just don't let negative thoughts get the best of you. It's annoying.

 2. Which leads me to the second step to fuckable- eating healthy.

Even if you are already thin you still need to eat healthy because the food you eat matters, not just the amount of calories or fat or carbs but the quality and ingredients play a big part too. Sometimes people forget that the brain requires certain nutrition and if you eat like shit your mind will be cloudy, you'll be tired and lazy and then you'll be a boring fat bitch who lives on the couch watching bad reality TV. Your skin, hair, nails, and teeth will suffer, your muscles will suffer and the quality of your life will suffer.

You can't live your life eating junk and expect to come out on top. You need fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Limit your eating out, it's expensive and not as healthy as cooking yourself. Every meal of your life doesn't need to be Thanksgiving.

Step 3 - Workout. Bust a sweat.

Working out not only makes you look good it also increases your sex drive which ties in perfectly with the theme of today's post. Working out boosts your metabolism and aides in your productivity and discipline, it helps your live longer and increases your bone density so that you don't need a cane later in life. It helps you to look better in your clothes and will make you more confident. When you're more confident you'll be more proactive and social. Being social is necessary for being fuckable.Weirdos who stay locked up in their room don't get any play. You want play, so don't be a weirdo who stays locked up in their room.

Step 4 - Dress how you want to be addressed.

I'm not saying you need to go out and spend 3 months rent on a sweater from Prada, but don't roll out of your house in busted clothing. Even if you want to be comfortable wear a nice track suit or sweat pants, stop wearing your Bugs Bunny pajama pants and Old Navy flips around town. Nice looking clothing doesn't have to be expensive and we all need clothes so there's really no excuse to be rocking some old shit with holes and stains. And if you're not a natural fashionista Google some style blogs or ask your friend who is to go shopping with you.

Another good strategy to make sure you always leave the house looking decent is to throw away all of your ugly clothes. That's what I did. I kept 1 busted pair of pants just in case I need to paint or something and a few big sleep t-shirts and that's it. Even when I'm running late there's virtually no way I can leave the house in messed up clothing.

You gotta represent yourself right. Looks matter, so if you want people to know that you're smart, talented and have your shit together wearing nice, fitted, fashionable clothing is a must!

5. Last and Final Step- Hygine and Grooming.

I know this is a vague category but your attention span is probably waning at this point - step 5 basically means showering, teeth brushing, leg shaving, eye brow plucking, upper lip hair removal, maintaining a nice manicure/ pedicure, doing your makeup, wearing perfume and deodorant and taking care of your hair. Basically being a girly girl and enhancing (or in some cases completely creating) your beauty.

No matter how pretty you are naturally you need to enhance it in some way. There's no way out of it, not for you, me, Heidi Klum, Oprah, or your mom. Make up is a wonderful tool when used in moderation, it also makes you feel good. When you feel good you do good and when you do good you better serve your purpose in the world. There are tons and tons and tons of make up tutorials on YouTube. There are tons and tons of resources on how to make yourself look good so THERE IS NO EXCUSE.

When you're fuckable you make the world a healthier more beautiful place. Yes, it takes work and dedication, but I'm not asking you to write a dissertation on feminism and women's role in society. I'm asking you to shut the fuck up about the whole "looks don't matter thing" and jump on board the happy train with me and all my fuckable friends. Embrace what you got and make it work for you .

Sexy is a LIFESTYLE.

So that's all I got for now. Later Bitches.


Instagram:   AminaZena

Friday, May 11, 2012

How To Prevent A Hangover

“I’m never drinking again” <<----- yeah right.

how many fucking times are you going to put yourself through it before you learn?

 Being hung over is the biggest waste of time ever. You come home after a night (or in some cases an entire day and night) of drinking and your head is spinning. You stumble into your bed wearing your beer stained clothing and attempt to close your eyes but you can't, so you spend the next 15 to 20 minutes laying down and getting back up because you feel like you have to puke. You may or may not puke, it may or may not help.

You then make a few phone calls that you’ll regret in the morning, send a few inappropriate un-legible texts and finally end up falling asleep.  But it’s not that good wholesome deep sleep that your body so desperately is craving at this point.  It’s that I’m kind of awake-semi unconscious-ears-still ringing kind of sleep. 

You wake feeling like you got hit by a bus. You're hungry but you feel too sick to eat, you have a headache so bad the you don't even feel the effects of the 6 Ibuprofen tablets you took and you spend the next 7 hours laying in the dark thinking about how stupid drinking is and promise yourself you'll never do it again.

I just don't have the tolerance to do that anymore, I hate being hungover but I like to drink(in moderation) so I found a pretty fool proof solution. It's called eating food and drinking water.

Back in my college days I would go to the gym before going out, like I would seriously workout for 30 minutes to an hour, hop in the shower and start drinking. I didn't eat food or drink any water. Sure I got drunker faster, but that's just plain retarded and dangerous. Don't do that. Follow these steps instead.

Step 1:

You need to coat your stomach with fat. Alcohol is poisonous, and your liver takes a beating enough as it is so the fat helps to dilute the effects of the alcohol and slows down the absorption. So eat soemthing with fat- preferably plant based fat like olive oil.

 I love to eat while I'm drinking, I feel like my buzz happens a lot smoother, versus getting hit with it all at once. Drinking on an empty stomach is just gonna end up with you puking your guts out or even getting alcohol poisoning. More importantly, not being able to hold your liquor embarrasses you and your whole crew. Don't ruin everyone's night by being a Anorexic Alice/Sloppy Susan. You don't necessarily have to eat overpriced bar sliders like chicken wings and mini burgers either, you can eat healthy, just make sure something is in your stomach. 

Step 2: Drink water. They say that you should drink 1 glass of water per every alcoholic beverage you consume. I say drink 2 and then go home and drink an entire Brita pitcher full of water; that's what I do. I fill up my pitcher before I leave the house and drink the ENTIRE thing when I get home. It might sound a little OD but I would much rather spend 5 minutes chugging water vs 5 hours laying in bed like a dehydrated bitch the next day

Step 3: Eat again. Eat something when you get home, I usually have something that's in my fridge, some organic lettuce of I'll heat up some falafels. Of course there's always the option of going to a diner or getting a slice of pizza if you're a fat ass.


Step 1: Wake up and drink more water, coconut water,or Vitamin Water or something with electrolytes. It'll help rehydrate you even more and you will be more dehydrated than you think.

Step 2: Enjoy your day of not being hungover. I usually go on a run or something like that to burn off the excess calories. Or I might spend the whole day in bed just because I want to and not because I literally physically need to from being hungover. Some people smoke weed to help with any residual hangover problems but that's on you if you want to or not. Marijuana is clinically proven to reduce pain and isn't nearly as dangerous or toxic as alcohol which is why I suggested it. And let's face it; it's damn near legal so please get over the stigma already.

So I hoped this helped. Don't be the sloppy drunk girl turned internet meme at your next social gathering. 

That's all I got. Later Bitches.



Instagram:   AminaZena

Friday, May 4, 2012

I've Been Bad

I've been fucking up lately. Which isn't something I don't normally do. I eat salads, oatmeal, avocados, and tofu hot dogs on a regular basis and then one day a week I pretty much eat whatever I want - usually something like a Chipotle burrito bowl or I'll go out to a club with my friends pop some bottles and go to a diner afterwards.

I give myself one day sometimes one and half days to eat whatever, because I'm human, and I live in New York City and I'm constantly tempted by all the new trendy restaurants popping up. I call it my cheat day, and I love it because it's something to look forward to every week. 

But the past 4 days something came over me and I've been eating cupcakes, cheesecakes,(non Chipotle) burritos and drinking more alcohol than usual. Seriously, wtf.  

It all started Tuesday, I wanted to celebrate a new job by eating a 525 calorie Crumbs cupcake. It was delicious, and that's the only bad thing I had eaten that day so I wasn't really thinking about. I did an hour and 20 minutes of cardio that day too so I really didn't care and I knew it wouldn't effect me. 

On Wednesday I had the day off, I did laundry and other mundane household shit. I had eaten super clean that day and I did a super intense workout-my butt is still sore- but I was restless and I really wanted to see my friend who I hadn't seen in a while. We decided to go to Blockheads, and I got a huge burrito, 2 frozen margaritas and had mad chips and salsa. It was a great night, but I knew I didn't need to be eating like that, and I woke up pretty bloated. 

In my head I was thinking Oh well, I don't normally eat like that, its okay. I justified it as a mandatory celebration, but I could have eaten half of the burrito and had the same level of satisfaction and none of the guilt.

Thursday comes a long and at this point I knew really better. I had fruit for breakfast, a delicious salad for lunch, and I felt like I was getting back on track from my 2 days of not eating that great. But then a co worker decided to buy me truffles and a vitamin water (32 grams of sugar) - bitch please, you wouldn't turn it down either. I gave in. Then that night I get a call from another old friend- we met up for drinks and cheesecake. And I didn't workout that day, it was my rest day, but still- I told you I was fuckin up.

So today, the same coworker who bought me the truffles and  has an obvious crush on me decided to buy me a muffin and another vitamin water. I took 1 bite of the muffin threw in the trash can and started this post. 

Enough is enough. 

I know better, and I believe in practicing what I preach. Some of you probably don't even think that what I did was that serious, some of you eat like shit everyday, but I can't

I'm not saying you should feel guilty for eating junk food once and a while, but it is not an everyday thing, not even a 2 or 3 times a week thing and if you're eating anything more than that....well you're guilty as charged.

People recognize in my neighborhood as a trainer. Last week I was spotted at the grocery store and the guy looked through my cart to see what I was eating. I take what I do seriously and I'm not gonna be a fast food eating hypocrite bullshit trainer.

In a way I'm glad this happened to me because now I understand a little bit better how people get caught up in the cycle of junk food. It's easy to get caught up, it's easy to just eat like shit and justify it. It's easy to eat things because they taste good, but there's still no good reason to do it all the time.

The reality is I'm not perfect and neither are you. You can't eat clean 100% of the time but you most certainly can try to. You can give it your all  and go hard and eat right and exercise and reap the awesome benefits. Or you can eat unhealthy garbage and do so-so workouts and live a mediocre lifestyle and have a mediocre body. 

And now I feel so much better for venting, hopefully you got something out of this, or at least had something to do for the last few minutes. I can't wait to have my salad for lunch and hit the gym later tonight, because it makes me feel good and keeps me looking fuckin sexy. And it's hard but it's worth it.

So that's all I got for now. Later Bitches.


Instagram:   AminaZena

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Best Way To Lose Weight


A) Do you want to lose weight quickly and gain it back just as quickly?
B) Do you want to lose weight and gain it back slowly after hitting a plateau? 
C) Do you want to lose weight, keep it off and get toned? 


A) Go on a crash diet, starve yourself, don't workout.
B) Do a lot of cardio and no strength training
C) Eat healthy, get lots of rest, build muscle and do a little cardio too. 

As you can see that there are a lot of ways to lose weight. A and B will definitely help you lose weight, but if you really want the best long lasting results you're going to have go with C; put on muscle. But don't be scared ladies, you're not going to get big and manly unless you plan on spending 4 hours a day at the gym and eat raw eggs and protein shakes for every meal. 

You can't just eat healthy, or just do cardio and expect to have lasting results. Muscle is what burns calories, and the more muscle you have the more calories you burn even while you're at rest. So if you're doing a lot of cardio or starving yourself, yes you will lose weight but you will not keep it off.   

You don't necessarily have to lift weights to build muscle- you can do things like push ups and squats in your living room, but weights are a great tool.

And I'm not talking about those fucking 5 pound plastic Barbie weights either. All those rumors that women should only do light weights/ high reps aren't true- for some workouts yes, but you're occasionally going to have to lift some heavy shit - yes you will grunt and make faces but it's all for the greater good. 

You have to keep your body confused, you can't do the same workout over and over and over again and keep seeing results. You have to modify or else you will hit a plateau, which is why I encourage you to work with a trainer if you've never lifted before  (hit me up if you're serious).

Weight loss is not rocket science. It just takes will power to do the right things. 

*Workout: 3-6 days a week for 30 mins to 1 hr - alternating everyday with strength and cardio
*Eat clean: No fast food, refined sugars, candy, soda, fried foods, dairy - limited processed, canned and frozen food
* Get rest: 6-8 hours a night- sober sleep
*Manage Stress: Take deep breaths, chill the fuck out.

So that's all I got for now. Later Bitches.


Instagram:   AminaZena

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Do Group Exercise Classes Work?

So you want to know if the classes at the gym are helping your ass reach your fitness goal, lose weight, whatever. Well, the short answer to that question is maybe.

I fucking love classes, and I’m a big advocate for them. I’ve taught Spinning, Zumba, and abs and it’s always a good time. They provide that extra bit of motivation, and are a fun way to workout (or show off if you’re a competitive bitch like me) but a more solid answer would be that classes alone cannot get you to your goal.

Some classes at the gym do progress throughout time, but in my experience they generally don’t. Classes can help you at first and if you’ve never worked out before you will see changes in your body. But in order to continually see results and avoid hitting a plateau you have to switch it up and keep progressing your exercise routine or else your body becomes too used it and gets lazy  - kinda like people who get too comfortable in relationships and let themselves go - but that’s a different topic for a different day.  

(That's me teaching Zumba)

When I first started teaching Spinning in college I lost mad weight, but then after a while of doing the same things over and over again I noticed I was gaining weight. I was teaching Spinning then teaching Zumba right afterwards; 2 hours of intense cardio and I was gaining weight. The same thing happened to me when I ran cross country in high school, my body got used to running 6,7,8 miles so that’s what it needed in order just to maintain! That’s what happens when you only do cardio and don’t incorporate strength training. 

Best believe you’re not gonna catch my ass running 8 miles everyday just to maintain.

Which brings me to my second point- most classes are cardio based - classes are good on the days when you’re not lifting weights or doing strength training, but even those total body conditioning classes cannot help you get to the next level, they will only help you stay at your current fitness level. Same goes for yoga, Pilates and abs - you can’t do the same things over and over again and expect different results -that’s just fucking stupid. 

Class instructors cannot monitor your form to see if you’re doing it right either. Jumping around and giving instructions with a big smile on your in front of a huge room full of people while sweating your ass off isn’t exactly the easiest thing to do - there’s no way the instructor is looking to see if your form is right the entire time. Bad form= bad results and injury, so you if you don’t know what you’re doing ask the instructor before or after class and start with the beginner programs.

So overall, classes are fun, they are a good way to get good exercise. They help you stay in shape, but if you want to get to the next level in terms of the way you look or what your body can do you gotta go a little harder, be a little more concise and workout with a purpose. Being sexy ain’t easy people. Believe me, I know. 

That’s all. Later Bitches. 


Thursday, April 19, 2012

How To Look 10 Pounds Thinner in 1 Week

So you have a week to get ready for that big event - birthday, wedding, vacation, whatever.

You've been working out like a monster and eating like a rabbit, but you need that extra touch, you need that extra confidence boost. 

Well here's the trick. Cut out all sodium for a week.
Wanna learn more about salt? Check out this blog

Sodium, salt, whatever you want to call it - causes you to retain water and makes you look like a fat, bloated pig.

Especially if you're eating that toxic table salt shit.

Your body definitely needs a certain amount of sodium, but processed foods contain wayyyyy too much of it to keep their stuff on the shelves longer and to get you addicted and coming back for more.
When you eat high fat and salty foods it triggers the 'happy' response in your brain, your brain loves to be happy so you end up creating this vicious cycle of eating shitty food.

Too much sodium can cause high blood pressure as well - So if you must eat salt be sure it's organic sea salt. You can get a huge container at Whole Foods or any other health food store for 2 or 3 bucks.

So anyways, back to looking good. This past June I had a photo shoot and I wanted to be on point so the week before the shoot I literally had no sodium - all I ate was vegetables and unsalted nuts and oatmeal- obviously there are more exciting options and a little sodium won't kill you but I was determined to do it - and I looked and felt fucking awesome.

So here's a picture I took about 1 month before the salt free shoot, when I wasn't so hard core about being sodium free. You can see and feel the results everywhere in your body but I noticed it the most in the my face

Before - Not giving a fuck about the amount of sodium I was eating

After- Being an insane no sodium eating bitch

Obviously I couldn't go the rest of my life not eating sodium, but after doing my research and taking those pictures I'm more conscious about the sodium I'm taking in and the less sodium I eat the better I look and I love it! (You know you love it too!)

That's it. Later Bitches!


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