
Monday, March 12, 2012

Those Bitches You Call Your Friends

You are what you eat. You are the product of your environment. You are the company you keep.

We’ve all heard those phrases, and they’re all true. Especially the last part. 

It’s always nice to have a diverse group of friends, and it’s always nice to ‘not judge’ people, but fuck it. If you want to get ahead and have an enjoyable life you need to surround yourself with others who do too. Not only is it okay to be picky about the people you let in your life, it’s NECESSARY.

Whether you’re trying to lose that extra 15 pounds, get a an A on your final or join the circus you need people around you that support your crazy ass.  

Some bitches I used to call my friends made fun and degraded  me for being  a health freak and being so into wellness.

Needless to say those people have been replaced with friends who admire me for doing what I do and call me while they’re at the grocery store to ask me what high fructose syrup is. They lift me up when I have the occasional moment of insecurity and they think I’m cool. They don’t talk trash about me and they don’t treat me like a second class citizen whenever we’re around certain people. 

Good friends are hard to find, you’re lucky if you have 1 true friend. Good friends are open and honest and know a petty disagreement isn’t worth ending an entire friendship. I do believe that people come into our life for a reason, season or a lifetime, but no matter what you have to be a good friend to have a good friend. 

So if you’re a liar, a cheater, a theif, a bad mouther, or just a fat disgusting slob with no future don’t expect to find friends of a higher caliber than your own sad self. 

If you have ‘friends’ who drain all of your energy every time you’re around them, or just want to sit in the house and do lines of coke all day and laugh at you when you want to take your discussions deeper than who’s on the cover of US Weekly it’s time to get rid of those dead weight bithces. It can hurt to let people go, it’s not easy to cut ties but you gotta do what’s best for you.

Having good friends matters. In order to be physically healthy  you need to be spiritually healthy and good friends are key to your overall wellbeing. Work on yourself, dedicate your life to becoming someone worth while and you will ineviably attract the people in your life who deserve to be there.



  1. "Whether you’re trying to lose that extra 15 pounds, get a an A on your final or join the circus you need people around you that support your crazy ass." Double like!
