
Monday, March 26, 2012

The Best Workout

Not all workouts are created equal, and if you want results you need to get out of that 'doing something is better than doing nothing' thing.

Quite frankly, doing a workout that isn't challenging, or done properly is worse than doing nothing; it's a waste of fucking time.

Sure there are some people who workout just because it makes them feel good and that's it, but if you're gonna be putting in the time and effort you might as well get something out of it. You wouldn't want to be an unpaid intern your whole life, you would eventually want to get paid for your time and effort. Now put that same mentality into your workout. 

Results aren't a destination that you get to and stay at forever. If you don't use it you will lose it, and trust me I've seen some bitches who have completely lost it. The workout lifestyle is all about continually improving and mastering your own body- that's why it's called a lifestyle, it's your entire life that's involved here people.

So, what's the best workout to get the body you so desperately desire? Well that all comes down to your goals, and if you don't have any don't expect to get anywhere. While results are not a destination, your goals are and once those goals are met you can build on them. 

Do you want to be able to run 10 miles in less than 100 minutes? Do you want to do 10 (boy) push ups? Do you want to hold a plank for 1 minute and 30 seconds? - At one point in time these were are all my goals. And because they are specific and measurable I was able to set my mind to something and I reached and exceeded them.

Don't just say you want to tone up, or lose weight, or be healthy. Pick  real things you want to do - quantifiable, specific, measurable, timely things you want to do and then do what you gotta do to get there.

So as far as the best workout, there's no such thing. There's only the best workout for you and your goals. 



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