
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Top Ten Reasons Your Ass Needs to Workout

10. Sleep! You sleep better after a workout. I mean who doesn’t wanna  be better at staying in an unconscious comatose state?

9. You’ll feel better, literally. When you workout your body releases endorphins into the bloodstream, making you feel happy. The feeling can be addicting, but why not get addicted to exercise, it’s better for you than smoking crack.

8.You’ll be able to do things. Climbing stairs, lifting heavy boxes, carrying groceries. You’ll be better at all the mundane shit in your life, who wouldn’t want that? It’s the little things people. 

7. You’ll live longer. Do I really need to discuss this one with you? Hopefully the thought of living longer is a good thing to you, if not please seek counseling. 

6. It’s something to do. If you don’t have a hobby or suck at everything else besides school or work it’s a great way to add some sort of meaning to your life. And because there’s so many different ways to workout and fun activities that require being in shape you’ll always have something new to try. 

5. You can show off. Competition is human nature, it’s the reason the world runs the way it does. Who doesn’t like to do be able to do something someone else can’t and brag about it?  And who doesn’t want to be better than someone who can do something you can’t. Just don't over do it....douche bag.

4. Better love life. The better you look the easier your love life will be. Actually, that’s probably not true, but you will most likely get hit on more thus having more options and better prospects. Maybe.

3. Clothes! In the words of Kim Kardashian from the Fit in your Jeans by Friday workout DVD series “Fashion demands a hot body!” The bitch is right, clothes look better on people who are in shape. Imagine putting on your pants sans muffin top, or wearing a tank top without having to worry about back fat; Ti’s a glorious thing. 

2.You’ll look better. Knowing you look good is one of the best feelings in the world, people telling you how attractive you are, admiring yourself in the mirror for hours. Everyone is entitled to be conceited once and while, now imagine if you actually had a reason to be.

1. You’ll do better in life! I believe that when you look good you feel good and when you feel good you do good. Working out boosts your confidence and gives you that can-do positive attitude, some people might hate you for it, but trust me more people will love you! I love working out, and hopefully one day you will too if you don't already...fatass. 

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