
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

10 Little Ways To Look Better

When it comes to your looks, a little attention to detail goes a long way. These are just a few tips on how to go from good to great. 

10.Keep Your Eyebrows Plucked- eyebrows absolutely make or break your face, you should really keep them shaped at all times. Nobody should look like they have 2 caterpillars on their forehead. Either buy a pair of tweezers or get them waxed or threaded by someone else. Not too thin tho, keep it classy.

9. Nix the Panty lines. This isn’t 1979, and panty lines are absolutely atrocious, if it’s that time of the month it’s a little more understandable but you can always wear a loose skirt or dress to cover those granny panty lines up. Otherwise it’s seamless boy shorts and thongs FTW.

8.Having Good Posture- For goodness sakes stand up straight! Sit up and walk tall and proud muthafucka! Slouchy is anti sexy in both men and women and is often the result of weak back muscles, try doing more back exercises in your work outs, and if you aren’t working out you betta start!

7.Whiten Your Teeth-  If you look in the mirror and see even a twinge of yellow you’re well overdue for a teeth whitening session. There’s no excuse to have yellow teeth. You can whiten your teeth with a 2 dollar box of baking soda or use an all natural product for $10 by Britenz.  You can’t even slightly justify having yellow teeth, you really can’t.

6. Keep Your Nails Did - Now I personally think that a woman should always have some form of polish on her nails, even if it’s a clear top coat. Maintaining your nails doesn’t take much time and boy oh boy does it make a difference. People see your hands all day, and even more importantly YOU see your hands all day, they should be worth looking at. TOES included.

5. Flattering Hair Cut- it goes without saying that you should always leave your house with your hair done, but if you have an unflattering hair cut it won’t matter if it’s done or not. The hair cut you want and the hair cut you need might be 2 different things, you should research which kinds of cuts go with your face shape, it really makes a world of difference.

4. A Touch of Make Up- I think all females should wear a little make up when stepping out of the house, especially if you’re single because you never know who you might meet and you definitely don’t want to look like shit if you meet someone great. A little tinted moisturizer, mascara, and lip gloss can go a long way. If you’re not really into wearing makeup I suggest you that head over to Sephora and play around and see if you feel the same way after you leave. You won’t.

3. Blingage- an outfit is only as good as the accessories you wear with it. You can turn a basic t-shirt and jeans combo from fugly and boring to super cute and fun with the right ring or necklace. And the best part about jewelry is that you can find ultra cheap stuff that actually looks good. Don’t get too avant-garde with it though, jewelry is meant to accentuate you not embarrass you.

2.Clothes that fit - If you’re swimming in your in your blouse or have a muffin top pouring out of your slacks your shit doesn’t fit right and you know it. It’s not hard to tell when clothes don’t fit because you can feel that they don’t fit. Clothes should lay nicely on your body, they should be fitted, comfortable and functional - but when in doubt choose looking good over comfort- this is the age of Facebook and nobody wants to look like shit on the internet.

1. Having a nice body- this isn’t a little thing, but I’m a personal trainer and exercise instructor so what do you expect. Truth be told, no matter how much make up you wear or how good your hair looks, the appearance of your body trumps everything. Looking like you’re out of shape has never been in. So if you aren’t on your working out/ eating right game now is the time to start.

Sexy is a LIFESTYLE.

That's all I got for now. Later Bitches.



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