We've also heard them say things like "Hell nah" and "She's a grenade"
And even though it's disrespectful and annoying I'd rather be the girl that gets stares, whistles and occasionally chased down the street.
Let's face it,
1. First step to fuckable is getting your mind right - basically getting your mental being squared away so you can take care of all of the practical things you need to do in life in order to be happy. If you're happy, chances are you will be healthy and if you're healhty chances are someone wants to lay you.
In order to get your mind right you need to stop stressing about things you can't control, stop blaming others, stop being down on yourself, stop complaining, stop playing the victim, stop living in the past and chasing the future. Stop wanting what you don't have and stop wishing you were someone else. Don't worry and just enjoy the moment so that way you can focus on achieving your dreams.
Unfortunately the average person never escapes the issues of their mind, and it's obvious. These people usually look frumpy and disgruntled. I truly believe that if you look like shit on the outside it's because you feel like shit on the inside.
Do what you need to do to get right in the head, read books, go to church, do yoga, talk to Buddha, just don't let negative thoughts get the best of you. It's annoying.
2. Which leads me to the second step to fuckable- eating healthy.
Even if you are already thin you still need to eat healthy because the food you eat matters, not just the amount of calories or fat or carbs but the quality and ingredients play a big part too. Sometimes people forget that the brain requires certain nutrition and if you eat like shit your mind will be cloudy, you'll be tired and lazy and then you'll be a boring fat bitch who lives on the couch watching bad reality TV. Your skin, hair, nails, and teeth will suffer, your muscles will suffer and the quality of your life will suffer.
You can't live your life eating junk and expect to come out on top. You need fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Limit your eating out, it's expensive and not as healthy as cooking yourself. Every meal of your life doesn't need to be Thanksgiving.
Step 3 - Workout. Bust a sweat.
Working out not only makes you look good it also increases your sex drive which ties in perfectly with the theme of today's post. Working out boosts your metabolism and aides in your productivity and discipline, it helps your live longer and increases your bone density so that you don't need a cane later in life. It helps you to look better in your clothes and will make you more confident. When you're more confident you'll be more proactive and social. Being social is necessary for being fuckable.Weirdos who stay locked up in their room don't get any play. You want play, so don't be a weirdo who stays locked up in their room.
Step 4 - Dress how you want to be addressed.
I'm not saying you need to go out and spend 3 months rent on a sweater from Prada, but don't roll out of your house in busted clothing. Even if you want to be comfortable wear a nice track suit or sweat pants, stop wearing your Bugs Bunny pajama pants and Old Navy flips around town. Nice looking clothing doesn't have to be expensive and we all need clothes so there's really no excuse to be rocking some old shit with holes and stains. And if you're not a natural fashionista Google some style blogs or ask your friend who is to go shopping with you.
Another good strategy to make sure you always leave the house looking decent is to throw away all of your ugly clothes. That's what I did. I kept 1 busted pair of pants just in case I need to paint or something and a few big sleep t-shirts and that's it. Even when I'm running late there's virtually no way I can leave the house in messed up clothing.
You gotta represent yourself right. Looks matter, so if you want people to know that you're smart, talented and have your shit together wearing nice, fitted, fashionable clothing is a must!
5. Last and Final Step- Hygine and Grooming.
I know this is a vague category but your attention span is probably waning at this point - step 5 basically means showering, teeth brushing, leg shaving, eye brow plucking, upper lip hair removal, maintaining a nice manicure/ pedicure, doing your makeup, wearing perfume and deodorant and taking care of your hair. Basically being a girly girl and enhancing (or in some cases completely creating) your beauty.
No matter how pretty you are naturally you need to enhance it in some way. There's no way out of it, not for you, me, Heidi Klum, Oprah, or your mom. Make up is a wonderful tool when used in moderation, it also makes you feel good. When you feel good you do good and when you do good you better serve your purpose in the world. There are tons and tons and tons of make up tutorials on YouTube. There are tons and tons of resources on how to make yourself look good so THERE IS NO EXCUSE.
When you're fuckable you make the world a healthier more beautiful place. Yes, it takes work and dedication, but I'm not asking you to write a dissertation on feminism and women's role in society. I'm asking you to shut the fuck up about the whole "looks don't matter thing" and jump on board the happy train with me and all my fuckable friends. Embrace what you got and make it work for you .
Sexy is a LIFESTYLE.
So that's all I got for now. Later Bitches.
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/aminazena
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/aminazena
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Instagram: AminaZena
E-mail: aminazena@gmail.com
This is what i used to do...ppl be like wtf u think u are..u got a new hairstyle every day..who u lookin cute for..is it ur birthday or something..damn they made me feel like im boojie (sp?) or something..i didnt wanna come off that way so sometimes i wear sweats to throw em off..but its not me =( at least not baggy sweats lol...oh and my favorite is when i say nah im watching my weight..or i have a zumba class tonite or im going to the gym i dont wanna be late "pshhh!! like u need it!!"..in my head im like we all freaking need it..its a part of living to use our bodies for more than texting,video gaming, drinking, and sex, that its NOT normal to be out of breath on the 13 steps and we are not exceptions no matter how big our boobs are..u kno wat..fuck the rest of them im living my life like its golden bcuz it is!!
ReplyDeleteI feel u! You just gotta stay strong and do you!!