Before I get to the main point of this article, I’m going to
make you read some other shit first.
I am not a scientist, and to be quite honest with you
scientific evidence isn’t completely convincing to me. I live and learn through
my own experiences, and it’s quite possible that today’s topic could be "scientifically proven" but that doesn’t mean it’s true or right by default. And even though I have multiple personal training certifications, have taken and passed several exams both written and practical, have read books, and have 3 years of
experience working in the fitness world, the only shit that is 100% factual to
me is the shit I’ve been through my damn self. Yep, I am a stubborn bitch, and so far it's been working for me and my clients.
That being said, there’s a pretty common argument that
states weight loss and being healthy in general is 80% about eating healthy and 20% about the workout. And I used to believe that hardbody, but now I’m at a
point where I truly believe it’s 50/50. Here’s how I figure.
Let’s say person A is 20 pounds overweight, doesn’t exercise
and eats a poor diet consisting of mostly simple carbs, sugar and animal fats (which is
pretty much what most fat people eat). If they start to eat salads for every
meal, sure, they will lose weight, but it won’t make them better at doing
squats, it won’t make them a better runner. It won’t help them burn excess calories. It
won’t help them use their body better. It does help a lot in so many other ways, but eating right alone is not enough to lose a lot weight or maintain weight loss.
There is the argument that eating right is the foundation
for exercise, and I can dig that, but once you build that foundation how can
you still say that diet is still 80%?
So what if someone workouts like a beast, but eats like
shit? Another common argument is that if you workout you can eat whatever you
want and not get fat. To an extent this is true,in general if you workout and eat clean the majority of the time you can get away with eating bad foods from time to time but you can't get away with it everyday. Just because you work out doesn’t mean you
will burn enough calories to lose weight, especially if you’re eating junk. You
could be in fairly good physical condition and be capable of performing strenuous
exercise and still be overweight.
This topic is clearly not black and white, and there are
tons of variables that go into play when comparing diet vs exercise but at the
end of the day you need both; to lose weight, to maintain, to look good, and be
healthy. If you half ass your diet but
go hard in the gym, guess what, you’re gonna get half assed results and vice
versa. It’s 50/50. You need to go hard
in your workouts and have enough self control and discipline to eat like a
I can’t cosign the 80/20 rule anymore. Having to bust your
ass to get what you want is relative to the wonderful results you will achieve if
you strive for excellence in your diet and your workouts and in life in
Well that’s all I got for now, let me know what you think!
Later Bitches,
Instagram: AminaZena