
Thursday, March 29, 2012

5 Things Sexy People Eat

 Eating healthy is fucking hard.  Especially with so many horribly unhealthy wonderful tasting foods available to us at reasonable prices on pretty much every street corner in America.  So if you wanna be sexy get used a life of carrot sticks and steel cut oats. It is what it is.

Food is fuel. Period. Yes it is meant to be enjoyed and used as a means of celebration but every meal of your life doesn’t need to be Thanksgiving Glutton Fest.

Believe it or not you DO NOT have to prepare some huge ass meal every day 3 times a day 7 days a week.

Whether you want to lose weight or maintain your sexiness the best approach to eating is to eat small healthy, nutrient rich things throughout the day to avoid binging like an out of control monster after a day of intentionally or unintentionally starving yourself.

It’s not that I don’t love the taste of pizza and burgers and grease and ice cream and nachos, and snickers bars –if it was good for you I would eat that shit everyday but it’s not and I know better so I don’t. There’s no excuse for not eating right, and if you’re feeling lost about what you should be putting in your mouth this is a good place to start. 

So here are 5 things I and other sexy people to stay healthy and fit.

5. Nuts – (Insert innuendo here)  they’re portable, crunchy, sometimes sweet sometimes salted and chalked full of good fats, carbs, proteins and plant sterols which help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels – my preference is almonds, but I don’t mind cashews, pistachios, peanuts or peanut butter.

4. Beans- yeah bitch beans! I love beans even if they make you fart because they are a slow digesting carbohydrate that keeps your body fueled and feeling full.  Black, Kidney, Pinto, They taste good by themselves, or with rice or in soup or as soup. 1 cup of beans yields 15-30 grams of protein and close to%100 of your daily fiber intake. Beans my friend, are the magical fruit.

3. Hummus – hummus is the shit! Chickpeas, lemon juice, garlic, tahini, and olive oil- every single ingredient is good for you in someway- hummus has protein, antioxidants, iron, omega 3 fatty acids, there’ so many great things about hummus, it’s truly a super food

2.  Quinoa salad- random grains that taste oh so good and are super easy to prepare. Just like rice and pasta quinoa can be the perfect compliment to a meal or be the meal it’s self.  Quinoa is filled with magnesium which keeps your blood pressure in check. Whole grains keep you heart healthy, give you energy and keep you from getting fat

1.     And the best for last – my latest food obsession – Avocado! I freakin’ love avocado’s they’re good fatty, creamy, deliciousness that I personally enjoy doused in balsamic vinaigrette. They are a little messy, but they're filled with Vitamin E which is so necessary for sexy skin, hair, nails and just your life in general. Eat them plain or make guacamole- either way you’ll have an orgasm in your mouth when you eat one.
(That's me c.2009, being sexy and eating Gaucamole in Cancun, ignore the chips, I was on vacation)

So that’s it. Easy simple ideas, put the McDonald’s down, pick one of these foods up.  Tell me what your favorite healthy food is below, fatty pants :-)


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