What is Wellness?
Eat right and exercise. Hearing that shit gets old, mainly because it’s vauge, overplayed and doesn’t really define wellness. At least not to me.
Wellness is about the overall quality of your life, and large part of it has to do with taking care of your physical self. If you can’t use your body to do basic things, if you’re fat as hell, always tired, feel like shit, have a chronic injury, if you have an eatinig disorder or are an unhealthy slob in general how can you expect to enjoy all of the wonderful things life has to offer?
Pretty much everything in life is better when you’re at the top of your physical game. Your sex life, you can get away with occasionally eating junk food and drinking alcohol b/c you have a faster metabolism, you’ll look better in your clothes, you’ll look better at the beach, you’ll feel more confident, you’ll do better at work and have more energy.
People who complain that eating right and working out is hard annoy the fuck out of me. The last time I checked NOTHING worth having comes easy.
Wellness is about thriving, not just living and scraping by and living some boring miserable life. I don’t know about you but I actually intend to make the most out of my life and not just post generic facebook updates about it.
I love money, but health is truly the greatest wealth. And if you don’t get that, have fun being fat and getting cancer.
HAHA "have fun being fat and getting cancer".